It started out about 4 or 5 PM. Spring. It looked like the Bura was coming (Bura is Croation for El Nino). There was a full moon that was very close and next to it a diamond-shaped moon (no clue where I got that from pretty sure no diamond-shaped moons in any Godzilla movies, please correct me if I'm wrong).
My mother and me were watering the flowers in front of the house. It was also lightly raining at the time. This is a detail about the dream I always laugh about.
So me and my mom are calm and serene while watering the plants in the rain. Then thunder and lightning. Then out of the thunder and rain and the diamond-shaped moon came GODZILLA!!!!!!! RRROOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRR.......Fire. Terror. Pillage of 26th place and Walker in San Pedro. He came through and just started wrecking (in real life I would have been jumping and cheering, in my dream terrifying.
He started at the top of the block at Tina's house killing her dog 'Kitty' then on to the German neighbors I had called nazis once (and gotten ground for) and moved right down to our drunken mechanic's house. The whole block.
He continued to set fire and crush my entire block. Then...he killed my neighbor's cat. And I was devastated. I loved that cat so much and then he killed my mom. I couldn't believe it. My idol Godzilla (I was 7) killed my favorite cat and my mom.
ANALYSIS: Well don't know how much I can really analyze a 7 year old's dream. I know I loved Godzilla movies, Laurel and Hardy, The Three Stooges and The Marx Brothers (my parents are old).
I did recently see an episode of The Three Stooges and it did not hold up the test of time. Great when you're a kid, in your 30s not so much. Don't know what it is but Laurel and Hardy and, of course, my favorite The Marx Brothers are always funny. Are the last two a more intelligent humor, a higher quality humor or are they just timeless humor. I think all of the above. I love Groucho.