This season’s theme is the sixties. Bright oranges, yellow and pinks pop against a purple backdrop. One mannequin wears a printed low-cut baby doll dress with white boots and a sun hat. The playmate on her left blocks the sun with a tan fedora. On the other side, a mannequin wears a long, flowery halter dress with big earrings and a matching bright purse.
The inside is basically a thrift store lover’s dream closet. A strappy, gold dress hangs on a mannequin, waiting to be taken home. A red-violet backless, sequined sweater from the eighties is calling your name. And a prom dress from every era hangs by the fitting rooms, daring you to resist playing dress-up.
And in the back you have any type of shoe you need to complete your look. Mary Janes, 70s-platform slides, 30s-style button-up boots or sky-high heels, you name it, it’s here.
Near the front of the store, behind the glass-casing that holds antique jewelry and sunglasses, a woman with shoulder-length red hair and bright red lipstick is busy sewing, fixing up the next edition to her collection.
Her name is simply Liz (no last name provided). She’s been running an antique shop for almost 20 years that eventually became overwhelmed with vintage clothing. In 1997 she decided it was time for the clothes to have their own space, calling the store “Threads of Times.”
While the two shops are her only source of income, she has worn many different hats in her day. She’s dabbled in poetry, music, design and art, but never felt any of those hats were the right fit.
“I was kind of a grasshopper that never sort of did anything,” the San Pedro native says.
The store has no website, but Liz has considered utilizing a web cam to give others an idea of what the shop features. She believes it’s important to shop locally and thinks it should be exciting to “discover” local stores.
Her clientele are young and old, ranging from 5-years-old to 95. Some come in looking for every day items, others come in looking for costumes. The prices can be a bit steep, but normally no more than what you would spend on new clothes that are half as cool (and well-made).
All the way down Los Angeles’ 110, tucked beside craft stores and sneaker shops, sits a cute vintage shop with mannequins begging you to take their clothes off.
By Kelly KO